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TAP Family: Zinc finger, MIZ type

<a target="_blank" class="awithout" href="">PFAM</a> (0): The MIZ-type zinc finger domain is a sequence specific DNA binding domain that is part of proteins like Miz1 that can function as a positive-acting transcription factor. The name MIZ is derived from Msx-interacting-zinc finger.


Lang, D; Weiche, B; Timmerhaus, G; Richardt, S; Riano-Pachon, DM; Correa, LG; Reski, R; Mueller-Roeber, B; Rensing, SA. 2010. Genome-wide phylogenetic comparative analysis of plant transcriptional regulation: a timeline of loss, gain, expansion, and correlation with complexity. Genome Biol Evol. 2: 488-503

Name: Zinc finger, MIZ type
Class: TF
Number of species containing the TAP: 509 (list)
Number of available proteins: 1921
Domain rules :

TAP distribution:
Minimum Maximum Average Median
1 74 3.7740667976424 3

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